Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) — Know It All!

10 min readJan 22, 2021


All you need to know about ALS.

Know your ailment well, so you can manage it better!!

Here we come with Lou Gehrig’s disease today!

What is Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)?

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.

A progressive, degenerative disease that destroys the nerve cells that control voluntary muscle movement is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease or motor neuron disease. These cells, called “motor neurons,” run from the brain to the muscles that control movement in the arms, legs, chest, throat and mouth through the brainstem or spinal cord. These cells die off in people with ALS, causing the muscular tissues to waste away. ALS does not influence the sensory functions or mental faculties of a person. Other non-motor neurons remain healthy, such as sensory neurons that bring information to the brain from sensory organs.

ALS is generally categorised in one of two ways: upper motor neuron disease affects the brain’s nerves, while nerves coming from the spinal cord or brain stem are affected by lower motor neuron disease. Motor neurons are damaged in both cases and die eventually. ALS is deadly. After diagnosis, the average life expectancy is two to five years, but some patients might live for years or even decades. (For example, after he was diagnosed, the famous physicist Stephen Hawking lived for more than 50 years.) There is no known cure for stopping or reversing ALS.

A different proportion of upper and lower motor neurons that die is experienced by each individual with ALS. This results in symptoms which vary from individual to individual. The disease progresses as time goes on, affecting more nerve cells. The muscles become weaker and atrophy (wither) as muscle tissues deteriorate, and the limbs of the individual may begin to look thinner. The muscles, however, can also become spastic (moving involuntarily) and this can lead in some parts of the body to increased muscle tone.

What are the causes of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)?

Jaundice is the most frequent symptom of this cancer. It is the yellowing of the eyes and skin. It exists because the tumour in Vater’s ampulla blocks the bile duct. The bile goes into the blood which induces yellowing of the skin instead of running into the intestines.

Some signs of this cancer include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Belly pain
  • Back pain
  • Itchy skin
  • Stomach upset and vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Fever
  • Digestive tract bleeding
  • Low red blood cell counts (anemia)
  • Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis)
  • Pale, greasy stools

Many of them can be activated by other health concerns. But when you have these signs, it’s important to see the healthcare provider. If you have cancer, only a healthcare provider can say.

Types of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS):

There are different types, according to their signs and symptoms and whether or not there is a clear genetic association.

ALS can be sporadic or familial.

  • Sporadic ALS occurs randomly, and it accounts for 90 to 95 percent of cases. There is no clear risk factor or cause.
  • Familial ALS is inherited. Around 5 to 10 percent of cases are familial. The child of a person with ALS will have a 50 percent chance of developing the condition. Rarely, it can affect a person in their teens. Researchers are investigating which genes are involved.

What are the symptoms of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) ?

Progressive motor neuron loss is linked with both sporadic and familial ALS. ALS effects depend on what regions are affected by the nervous system. These can vary from individual to individual.

The medulla is the lower half of the brainstem. It controls many of the body’s autonomic functions. These include breathing, blood pressure, and heart rate. Damage to the medulla can cause:

  • slurred speech
  • hoarseness
  • difficulty swallowing
  • emotional lability, which is characterized by excessive emotional reactions such as laughing or crying
  • a loss of tongue muscle contour, or tongue atrophy
  • excess saliva
  • difficulty breathing

A part of the brain that is made up of nerve fibres is the corticospinal tract. It sends messages to your spinal cord from your hippocampus. The corticospinal tract is weakened by ALS and causes spastic limb weakness.

The front section of the spinal cord is the anterior horn. Here, the degeneration can cause:

  • Limp muscles, or weakness of flaccid
  • Wasting muscles
  • Twitching Twitching
  • Problems of ventilation due to fatigue in the diaphragm and other respiratory muscles

Problems performing daily activities can involve early symptoms of ALS. You can have trouble ascending stairs, for instance, or standing up from a chair. You may even have trouble talking or chewing, or fatigue in the hands and head. In particular areas of the body, early signs are usually found. They also appear to be asymmetrical, which suggests that they exist on one hand only.

The signs usually extend to all sides of the body as the disease progresses. Bilateral muscle fatigue is becoming widespread. This will result in the loss of weight from muscle wasting. Generally, the senses, the urinary tract, and the role of the intestine remain unchanged.

What are the risk factors of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)?

ALS risk factors identified include:


Five to 10% of people with ALS have inherited it (familial ALS). Their offspring have a 50–50 risk of contracting the condition in most persons with familial ALS.


Age. The risk of ALS grows with age and is most prominent between the ages of 40 and mid-60.


Sex Slightly more men than women grow ALS prior to the age of 65. At the age of 70, this sex gap ends.


In the genetic differences between persons with ancestral ALS and certain individuals with non-inherited ALS, some experiments analysing the entire human genome find certain correlations. Such genetic variants could render individuals more vulnerable to ALS.

Environmental variables may cause ALS, such as the following.


Tobacco. The most likely environmental risk factor for ALS is smoking. For women, particularly after menopause, the danger seems to be greatest.

Environmental response to contaminants. Any research shows that exposure to lead or other chemicals may be related to ALS in the workplace or at home. Many testing has been conducted, but ALS has not been reliably identified with any particular agent or chemical.

Service in the military. Studies suggest that there is a greater risk of ALS for those who have served in the military. It’s uncertain what could cause the growth of ALS with military service. Exposure of some metals or contaminants, traumatic injury, viral infections, and intense exertion may be included.

What are the complications of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)?

ALS causes complications as the condition progresses, such as:

Breathing problems

ALS paralyses the muscles you use for breathing over time. Similar to what someone with sleep apnea would wear, you would need a monitor to help you breathe at night. For instance, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP) can be provided to assist with the nighttime breathing.

Few persons with advanced ALS chose to have a tracheostomy with full-time use of a respirator that inflates and deflates their lungs, a surgically formed opening in the front of the neck leading to the windpipe (trachea).

Respiratory failure is the most common cause of death for persons with ALS. On average, after symptoms start, death happens within three to five years. Any person with ALS, though, survives for 10 or more years.

Speaking problems

Many people with ALS have difficulty communicating. Usually this begins as a moderate, intermittent slurring of speech, but becomes more serious. Ultimately, voice becomes hard for others to grasp, and people with ALS often rely on other interactive devices to connect.

Eating problems

Malnutrition and dehydration may occur in people with ALS from damage to the muscles that control swallowing. They are also at greater risk, which can cause pneumonia, of bringing food, liquids or saliva into the lungs. These dangers can be minimised by a feeding tube and maintaining adequate hydration and nutrition.


Some individuals with ALS have memory and decision-making issues, and some are ultimately diagnosed with a type of frontotemporal dementia called dementia.

How is Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) diagnosed?

It is difficult to diagnose amyotrophic lateral sclerosis early on because it can mimic other neurological diseases. Tests to rule out other circumstances could include:

Electromyogram (EMG).

  • A needle electrode is inserted into different muscles through your skin by your doctor. When they contract and when they’re at rest, the test evaluates the electrical activity of your muscles.
  • Muscle abnormalities seen in an EMG can help doctors diagnose ALS or rule it out. An EMG can help guide your exercise therapy as well.

Nerve conduction study.

  • This research measures the ability of your nerves to send impulses to muscles in various areas of your body. Whether you have nerve damage or certain muscle or nerve diseases can be determined by this test.


  • An MRI produces detailed pictures of your brain and spinal cord using radio waves and a powerful magnetic field. Spinal cord tumours, herniated discs in your neck, or other conditions that may cause your symptoms may be revealed by an MRI.
  • Blood and urine tests. In the laboratory, analysing your blood and urine samples may help your doctor eliminate other possible causes of your signs and symptoms.
  • Spinal tap (lumbar puncture). This involves removing a sample of your spinal fluid using a small needle inserted between two vertebrae in your lower back for laboratory testing.
  • Muscle biopsy. You may undergo a muscle biopsy if your doctor thinks you may have muscle disease rather than ALS. A small portion of your muscle is removed while you are under local anaesthesia and sent to a lab for analysis.

What is the treatment for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)?

The Food and Drug Administration has approved two drugs for treating ALS:

  • Riluzole (Rilutek). It has been shown that, administered orally, this drug raises life expectancy by three to six months. Side effects such as dizziness, stomach disorders and improvements of liver function can be induced. When you are taking the drug, the doctor will monitor your blood counts and liver functions.
  • Edaravone (Radicava). It has been found that this medication, provided by intravenous injection, reduces the deterioration in everyday functioning. Its effects on survival is not yet understood. Side effects of bruising, headache, and shortness of breath can be included. This prescription is given for two weeks a month on a regular basis.

Your doctor might also prescribe medications to provide relief from other symptoms, including:

  • Muscle cramps and spasms
  • Constipation
  • Fatigue
  • Excessive saliva and phlegm
  • Pain
  • Depression
  • Sleep problems
  • Uncontrolled outbursts of laughing or crying


Breathing care.

  • When your muscles relax, you’ll gradually have more trouble breathing. Doctors can regularly test your breathing and provide you with equipment to improve your nighttime breathing.
  • To help you breathe, you can prefer mechanical ventilation. Doctors implant a conduit that leads to your windpipe (tracheostomy that attaches to a respirator) in a surgically formed opening in the front of your skull.

Physical therapy.

  • Physical therapy can discuss the requirements of discomfort, walking, stability, bracing and tools to help you be independent. It will help you improve your physical health, muscle power and range of motion for as long as possible while performing low-impact workouts.
  • Daily exercise will help to boost your sense of well-being as well. Suitable stretching can help prevent discomfort and help the muscles perform at their best.
  • Physical therapy may also assist you to transition to a brace, walker or wheelchair and can recommend equipment that makes it easier for you to get around, such as ramps.

Occupational therapy.

Despite hand and arm fatigue, occupational therapy will help you find opportunities to stay independent. Adaptive equipment will assist you in washing, shaving, feeding and bathing practise.

If you have difficulty walking comfortably, occupational therapy may also help you change your home to allow accessibility.

Speech therapy.

  • To make your voice more coherent, a speech therapist will teach you adaptive strategies. Speech therapists may also support you with discovering other communication strategies, such as an alphabet board or pen and paper.
  • Ask your therapist about the ability to borrow or rent technology that can help you interact, such as tablet computers with text-to-speech software or computer-based machines with synthesised speech.

Nutritional support.

  • To ensure that you consume meals that are easier to swallow and satisfy your dietary needs, your team will collaborate with you and your family members. Maybe you’ll need a feeding tube eventually.

Psychological and social support.

To assist with financial difficulties, benefits, and obtaining supplies and paying for devices you need, the team might include a social worker. Emotional counselling for you and your family can be offered by psychiatrists, social workers and others.


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