Top 5 revolutionary trends in Medical Imaging Techniques:

6 min readNov 4, 2020


Every year, medical imagery saves millions of lives. A wide variety of illnesses from cancer and appendicitis to stroke and heart disease can be identified and diagnosed by physicians. However, the healthcare sector still strives to supply patients with new technologies. So the partners want to engage in research into medical imaging technologies. This article was written in an effort to give you some of the insights on the greatest trends in medical imaging research in recent years.

The following are some of the revolutionary trends leading the field of Medical Imaging in the recent past

1.Artificial Intelligence:

Artificial intelligence will grow from 21 billion dollars on the medical imagery market to 264.85 billion dollars in 2026. The vendors must prove their customers’ ROI in a dynamic world with hundreds of AI technologies under development.

However, it is worth the extra work.

The specialised medical imaging market can be revolutionised by AI. Many physicians are important in their ability to inspect vast quantities of scan and return views. The accuracy and speed of decision-making can be enhanced by AI guided research.

Take for example the following integrations:

  • With 99 percent accuracy, Google’s DeepMind can read 3D OCT retinal scans and diagnose 50 different ophthalmic disorders. It may recognise eye condition markers. It can also identify and prescribe care patients by emergency. The time between the scan and the procedure may be shortened. Patients may undergo medications that save vision in time.
  • “ProFound AI” is a Computer Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) solution from iCAD. It allows radiologists to look at each layer of tissue and thereby diagnose cancer on average by up to 8% earlier. This will cut breast scans by more than 50 percent for radiologists.
  • Siemens Healthineers & Intel collaborated on how to develop AI diagnostics for cardiac MRIs. Cardiologists currently need to separate into their pictures several different areas of the heart. A job that needs time. This IA technology helps doctors to treat more patients every day

2.Augmented intelligence:

Augmented intelligence is like artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence emulates a human-like “thought”, whereas Augmented intelligence also includes interactions with individuals. Increased intelligence can enhance monotonous workflows for manual doctors through human feedback. The final outcomes may be identical, but the procedure is much less automated.

Augmented intelligence to enhance coordination among oncologists and radiologists represents a major trend in health care. This use of Augmented Intelligence in health care is also known as enterprise imaging, the impacts on healthcare are greater. It is normally more economical than sophisticated technologies for artificial intelligence. Augmented intelligence for certain facilities is a more practical entry point.

Virtual and augmented reality & 3D medical imaging :

Right now, the universe can not get enough of VR. This invention is not solely for entertainment. The healthcare sector has major consequences for VR and 3D medical imaging technology

As great as MRIs and CT scans are, their 2D makes doctors demand creativity. The latest technology of augmented reality technology, such as True 3D EchoPixel, helps doctors to construct a 3D MRI graphic. The 3D glazing or VR Headset images will then be analysed.

The 3D picture can interact via the peripherals. Medical professionals may create cross-sections and rotate the image. This is to imagine and prepare until an operation easier. Doctors can also print 3D printers for these videos.

Augmented reality (AR) makes three-dimensional pictures. Real-world blends with pictures. Companies such as Proprio are using Machine learning and AR are to support surgeons. This technology can see for any blockages and obstructions, which can delay a high-risk operation.

Augmented reality (AR ) and virtual reality (VR) are finding much new healthcare uses. Surgeons prepare themselves for surgery by reviewing patient radiology scans. Three-dimensional visualisation enhances their ability to interpret the patient’s body better. However, the exact location of a region during surgery was measured in real-time. Fluoroscopy assistance during the operation itself was the perfect option. Medical pictures on AR headphones that the user can carry during service can be transformed and installed on AR. The OpenSight AR Method, which is now the U.S., is an example of an AR-based pre-operative preparation approach. Administration of Food and Drugs (FDA ) approved. Which lowers radiation risk for patients efficiently while having improved preparation skills for surgeons.

3D Printing:

The procedures to be undertaken before an operation are explained to patients. Any groundbreaking approaches have used AR methods to allow people to understand their very own anatomy. The findings of experiments for the use of the AR models and 3D printed models for patient education were seen at RSNA from New York. The judgement: 3-D printed versions allow patients to understand the precise aspects of the kidney or prostate tumour and make the necessary operative decisions more confident and safe. 3-D printing is also good for doctors to be more trained for operations for related reasons.

3.Nuclear Imaging:

The patient intakes radiation-active materials called radiopharmaceuticals prior to a medical imaging scan in nuclear imaging. A scan depends on the origin of nuclear material. This scan forms are particularly helpful when the following are diagnosed:

  • thyroid disease
  • gall bladder disease
  • heart conditions
  • cancer
  • Alzheimer’s disease

Many exciting developments are currently taking place in this area. Examples include:

Amyloid PET Imaging helps to forecast the onset of Alzheimer’s. The scan decides whether amyloid plaques have been found in patients with memory disorders. This is an example of the condition of Alzheimer’s. These plaques were only detectable during autopsies before amyloid PET by inspecting the cortex. This form of early warning changes the way doctors identify patients and treat them.

In the first time in 2018, EXPLORER Total-body PET / CT Scanner continued to travel to hospitals. It opened at a high price of 10 million dollars. This scanner has been proved capable of generating images of consistency in less time. The radiation tracer also uses a much smaller dosage (18F-FDG).


There are several real-world use scenarios for wearable medical equipment. A new practice allows our ageing population to track and report critical problems conveniently. Radiology and medical imaging are now supposed to be revolutionised.

There are two extraordinary devices:

The MEG Brain Scanner is a handheld system that monitors brain function and normal movements. Those movements include knob, stretch, drink tea, and even ping-pong. The portable scanner provides patients with disabilities, such as epilepsy, increased imaging opportunities.

The MRI Glove was launched by the School of Medicine, New York University. The representations of rotating joints and tendons should be transparent and coherent. The MRI-shaped glove was fitted with clothing-like sensors. These detectors create detailed anatomical maps of one side. This will assist with anything from surgery to the enhanced prosthesis

5.Cinematic Rendering and Digital Twin Technology:

3-D images should be paired with extra details to feed into movie rendering devices in order to explain the intricate workings of bodies such as the heart. This allows accurate viewing of the functions of the organ and will help surgeons prepare, explain patients’ surgical operations and improve the diagnosis of diseases. This is a way to guarantee faster care and greater general health, technology will help to make the correct decision for patients sooner.

Digital double technology is close in nature. Digital twins are now being a business focal point with Siemens, GE Healthcare and Philips in different applications leveraging this technology. For example, Siemens Healthineers spoke about their digital twin (AI powered) organ technologies in order to replicate organ physiology to help doctors choose treatments with the best possible effects — which are basically checked on a digital two.





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